I’m really excited to release our code for the Catallax Trust today. It has been a long time coming and it will be nice to get some new eyes on the code.
If this is your first time reading about the Catallax Trust you can read the white paper here. A Catallax Trust is a contract that will hold crypto and pay it out in the future in fiat-based chunks based on the exchange rate at the time of the withdrawal. I can be used for employment contracts, donating to a charity, securing ICO funds, or simply helping you HODL with a budget.
We have had one code review done and implemented a number of improvements identified in that code review. Of course, we hope that the contracts are production ready, but if you think otherwise, please let us know by sending the issue to bugs@catallax.com or filing an issue on the github repo: https://github.com/skilesare/catallaxtrust
The Catallax Trust is made up of the following main contracts:
FiatTrustCustodian.sol - This is the custodian contract that oversees the creation of new trusts and tracks the fiat to crypto conversion rates for supported crypto / fiat pairs.
FiatTrustFactory.sol - This is the factory contract that the custodian uses to create new trusts. We can swap this out if we create a better trust without having to republish the custodian.
FiatTrust.sol - This contract is the core trust. Users will deposit their ETH and / or ERC20 tokens in these contracts and be able to withdraw from them over time.
The following support contracts are included as well:
DateTime.sol - a date time library
SafeMath.sol - safe arithmetic functions
ERC20.sol - interacting with tokens
TrustStorage.sol - we have to store the historical history of crypto / fiat exchange rates. This is held in a storage contract so that we can easily move the history to upgraded custodians if necessary.
iLicensor.sol - a stub contract for future governance of the custodian
The general process for setting up the contracts follows the following process(this is the code from our test suite):
prepEnvironment = (custodianOwner)->
return new Promise (resolve, reject)->
custodian = null
factory = null
token = null
storage = null
#Create the custodian
FiatTrustCustodian.new(from: custodianOwner).then (instance)->
custodian = instance
#create the factory
FiatTrustFactory.new(custodian.address, from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'new factory'
factory = instance
#create a datetime library(this has been published previously on mainnet so you can use one of those)
DateTime.new(from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'new DateTime'
#set the date time library
custodian.SetDateTimeLibrary(instance.address, from: custodianOwner)
.then (result)->
console.log 'dt set'
#set the factory location
custodian.SetFactory(factory.address, from:custodianOwner)
.then (result)->
console.log 'factory set'
#Create an ERC20 token to test with
HumanStandardToken.new(tokenStartBalance,"token",0,'tkn', from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'new token'
token = instance
#create a new storage contract
TokenStorage.new(from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'new storage'
storage = instance
#set the storage contract
custodian.SetStorage(storage.address, from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance) ->
console.log 'storage set'
#update the owner of the storage to include the custodian contract
storage.UpdateOwner(custodian.address, true, from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'first conversion set'
#set an old conversion for ETH to USD
custodian.SetConversion(ethTokenAddress, usdCurrencybytes, 1989,1, 1, web3.toWei(0.01,"ether"),1, from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'conversion set'
#set an old conversion for ERC20 token to USD
custodian.SetConversion(token.address, usdCurrencybytes, 1989,1, 1, web3.toWei(0.01,"ether"),1, from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'max fee set'
#set the max fee
custodian.SetMaxFee(usdCurrencybytes, 50, from: custodianOwner)
.then (instance)->
console.log 'origination fee set set'
#set the origination fee
custodian.SetOriginationFee(usdCurrencybytes, 25, from: custodianOwner)
.then ->
custodian: custodian
token: token
Once your custodian is configured you need to create, fund, and start your trust. The following code will do that and then make time pass so you can do your first withdrawal:
custodian.CreateTrust(ethTokenAddress, usdCurrencybytes, 12, 1, {from: accounts[0]})
.then (txn)->
trustAddress = null
txn.logs.map (o)->
if o.event is 'TrustCreated'
console.log 'found new Trust at' + o.args.location
i = FiatTrust.at(o.args.location)
trustAddress = o.args.location
console.log 'have instance'
#fund the wallet
web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accounts[1], to: i.address, value: web3.toWei(0.44,"ether") })
.then (result)->
#Start the Trust
.then (result)->
console.log result
console.log 'sending ether'
#this function advances time in our test client by 34 days
return new Promise (tResolve, tReject)->
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "evm_increaseTime",
params: [86400 * 34], # 86400 seconds in a day
id: new Date().getTime()
, (err)->
tResolve true
.then (result)->
#calculate the next withdraw date
.then (result)->
console.log 'next ' + result
nextPayout = result.toNumber()
aDate = nextPayout * 1000
aDate = moment.utc(new Date(aDate))
console.log aDate
console.log 'conversion set for ' + aDate.year() + (aDate.month() + 1) + aDate.date()
#set the conversion for that tdate
custodian.SetConversion(ethTokenAddress, usdCurrencybytes, aDate.year(), aDate.month() + 1, aDate.date(), web3.toWei(0.01,"ether"),1)
.then (result)->#call the withdraw fucntion. 0.1 eth shold move from the contract to account[0]
console.log 'conversion set'
aDate = nextPayout * 1000
aDate = moment.utc(new Date(aDate))
console.log aDate
#check the current balance
.then (result)->
console.log result
startCustodianBalance = result.toNumber()
assert.equal 250000000000000000, startCustodianBalance, 'custodian has ether it shouldnt'
startBalance = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0])
console.log 'Start Balance' + startBalance
#withdraw from the trust
i.Withdraw(from: accounts[0])
.then (result)->
console.log result
.then (result)->
console.log 'withdrawl:' + result
assert.equal result.toNumber(), parseInt(web3.toWei(0.18,"ether")) - parseInt(web3.toWei(0.01,"ether")) * 0.005, 'withdraw wasnt right'
.then (result)->
console.log result
#since payout is 0 eth per usd we multiply fiatpayout 1
#we only test .9 eth and 1.1 because gas costs weigh in
# so much gas cost
#96 413397700000000000
#96 502336500000000000
console.log 'eth increased' + (result.toNumber() - startBalance.toNumber())
assert.equal result.toNumber() > startBalance.toNumber(), true, 'eth didnt transfer'
assert.equal result.toNumber() < startBalance.toNumber() + parseInt(web3.toWei(0.01,"ether")), true, 'too much eth transfered'
.then (result)->
console.log 'fee paid' + result
assert.equal result.toNumber(), 250000000000000000 + parseInt(web3.toWei(0.01,"ether")) * 0.005, 'Fee wasnt paid'
Have fun exploring the contracts! Post questions and issues in our github or reddit here.
If this is interesting to you and you'd like to see where we are going with Catallax, please pick up my book Immortality (Purchase of a physical or kindle copy helps support this project).
Donations always accepted at:
BTC: 1AAfkhg1NEQwGmwW36dwDZjSAvNLtKECas
ETH and Tokens: 0x148311c647ec8a584d896c04f6492b5d9cb3a9b0
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